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May 9, 2024
April Update: 10 new features to help you run better studies
Product Updates

April Update: 10 new features to help you run better studies

Audio and screen recordings in interview transcripts, exportable reports, matrix questions, and lots more.

Our team has been hard at work over the past month, and we’re excited to share the latest updates to Versive. Here are 10 highlights of what we added to Versive in April.

1. Audio and screen recordings in transcripts

We've added audio and screen recordings in interview transcripts to give you better context when analyzing responses. When a user responds with audio or completes a prototype test, you'll see playable audio and video clips alongside the transcript.

Screenshot of a Versive transcript with video and audio clips inline

2. Matrix questions

You can now create matrix questions in your surveys. This is useful for asking users to rate multiple items on the same scale. In your results, we automatically summarize the average rating and distribution for each item.

Screenshot of a matrix question

3. Number questions

We've added a new question type for collecting numerical data. In your results, we automatically summarize the distribution of responses.

4. External link questions

You can now include external links in your surveys. This is useful for linking to external websites, prototypes, or other resources.

5. Export reports

In addition to exporting your raw study results as a CSV, you're now able to export a formatted markdown report with all study insights, including charts, tables, themes, and quotes. That way you can edit and share your findings with your team or stakeholders.

Screenshot of an exported report in Notion with a chart, theme, and quotes

6. Faster interviews

We've reduced the loading time between questions to make it easier for users to complete your studies.

7. Video embeds

In addition to images and Figma prototypes, you can now embed videos in your surveys. Use videos to show users anything from marketing videos and product demos to survey instructions.

Screenshot of question with an inline embedded video

8. Inline images and videos

In addition to displaying full screen images and videos, you can now show images and videos inline with your questions. This is useful for showing users context or instructions while they respond.

9. Record user's full screen

We've added the option to ask users to record their entire screen during a prototype test. This enables you to capture how users interact with external websites or applications.

10. Require a specific device type

You can now require users to complete your study on a specific device type, such as a desktop or mobile.

Get in touch

We're well on our way to building the best platform for collecting and analyzing user insights. We have plenty coming in May, including some big updates to our analysis features. If you'd like to see a demo or give Versive a try, contact us at [email protected].

Eric Li

Eric Li, Co-Founder, Versive

May 9, 2024